Ex 1 Wave Hands over the Lake

Lesson Summary

Exercise 1 is Wave hands over a lake,

This exercise helps control breathing, regulate blood pressure, strengthen kidney function, and balance the nervous system.

To perform this exercise, start by standing in a calm and peaceful posture, focusing on grounding your feet and connecting your head to the sky. Inhale deeply and raise your body and arms to shoulder height. Exhale slowly and lower your arms almost to your thighs. Repeat this movement for at least 5 minutes.

As you perform the exercise, imagine that there is a string attached to the back of your hand, and your hands are being raised up and down by this string. Make sure to keep your shoulders relaxed throughout the exercise, focusing on releasing tension in that area.

Finally, at the end of the exercise, place your hands back down on your lower dantian (a point located approximately two finger-widths below your navel) and relax.

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